Like many others, TRASPOL has been actively involved producing independant studies and insights during the COVID-19 epidemic.
- Report META/TRASPOL “GLI IMPATTI DELLA PANDEMIA SULLE RETI DI TRASPORTO IN ITALIA“, which simulates the impacts on networks in Phase 2 through the independent transport model I-TraM.
- Report “PRESENCE AND MOBILITY OF POPULATION DURING COVID-19 OUTBREAK AND LOCKDOWN IN ITALY“, that utilizes Facebook data to describe the mobility of the population during the 3 months of lockdown.
- Report “ GLI SPOSTAMENTI DEGLI ITALIANI DOPO IL LOCKDOWN“, that utilizes Facebook data to describe the mobility of the population after the 3 months of lockdown.
- article “Quale mobilità durante e dopo il COVID19 nei territori fragili?“
- article “Trasporti, c’era una volta la lunga percorrenza” (laVoce.info)
- article “La pandemia della mobilità” (EyesReg)
- article “Il Governo e gli aiuti ‘asimmetrici’: tutto (e senza vincoli) alle Frecce e a Italo, niente a Flixbus e agli altri servizi di autobus” (Business Insider)
All of our works and links to the reports and publications are summarized on the following page: http://www.traspol.polimi.it/portfolio/2020-traspol-4-covid/