The study elaborates indications for the Lombardy Council regarding the revision of the Guidelines on authorization of large retail stores, as well as for the drafting of new guidelines relating to other settlement functions subject to assessment by the Council.
Concerning the large retail stores, we propose a typological articulation of the current offer and a classification of the competition classes on a municipal scale, based on location of the existing authorizations; furthermore we created a visitor estimation model. For the other functions, a typical “trip generation” approach is used, defining the transport demand daily and for rush hour.
The expected impact of the transport demand is then assessed for the rush hour through a series of steps aimed at considering both the behavior of the road system and that of public transport, in order to highlight any critical issues and help the public administration in the critical review of the proposals.
Beria P. et al (2018) Valutazione del traffico generato/attratto da trasformazioni urbanistiche – insediative dalle significative ricadute sul sistema dei trasporti e aggiornamento dei criteri per la redazione degli studi di traffico per l’autorizzazione di grandi strutture di vendita. Polis & Regione Lombardia. Milano.