Call: workshop “Transport Infrastructures: Investments, Evaluation and Regional Economic Growth” by NECTAR Cluster 2&1. Rome, 22/3/2019
Cluster 2: Policy and Environment
Cluster 1: Transport Infrastructure Impacts and Evaluation
Transport Infrastructures: Investments, Evaluation and Regional Economic Growth
Transport infrastructures, territories and firms can contribute significantly to our economic development. However, the link between infrastructure and economic growth is characterized by feedback channels, network effects, externalities and spillovers of various kinds, making the analysis at once multifaceted and challenging. These considerations clarify the complexity of the theme and the need to investigate various aspects both theoretically and empirically.
Papers on any topic relevant to transport infrastructure and regional economic growth are particularly welcome. Topics of special interest include, but are not limited to:
- Impacts and evaluation
- Policy and environment
- Local public transport
- Planning mobility and geography
Important dates
Abstract submission deadline: 15th February 2019
Abstract acceptance/rejection notification: 28th February 2019
Venue: The workshop will take place at Roma3 University, Department of Political Sciences of Roma Tre University, via Gabriello Chiabrera 199 – Roma (MB Basilica San Paolo)
Keynote speaker: Professor Dan Graham (Imperial College London, UK)
Abstracts should be sent to